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Senin, 13 Desember 2010


Before the independence said, she never been a life of royal government, led by a princess that is Nyai Undang, where located the Strait region in Kelurahan Kupang and handel  Bataguh, legendary stories about the first ever empire spread from the mouths of ordinary people until officials from farmers to businessmen from the general public until the student.

Survey Team "RAPI" together with Bikers Kapuas perform search and exploration of materials collected and taken away from some good reference books, the story of community leaders, leaders, religious, community leaders and local communities. From some of the information collected none of which give accurate answers and certainly what happened emergence empire empire bataguh until eventually it just disappeared and no one knows how its history to date. Then the teams go directly spaciousness RAPI observation point where the first farm was never any Kota Bataguh, after several hours of travel by guided by some of those people Bataguh, RAPI team chuckle in awe because it was the place we find there are some ulin pole diameter of 50 cm possible former first pole betang house and there is also a neat ulin may be used that fence or Beteng, according to a story first people over there are very many such ironwood poles but now many are lost and taken away or revoked for the purposes of making local people's houses, some of big house locals stick their homes ulin take from place bataguh royal heritage.

Ship Steering

old rocks

The discovery was made team to stop the expedition of RAPI and with this evidence convinced that indeed there had been a civilization that has developed because people already know there is one system of government and social order of society with agricultural systems that are familiar pattern of planting, but this only while the answer to what we found and also Team RAPI get the story or information that is more complete and accurate how Kota Bataguh could just disappear.

Through this exploratory survey conducted by the team RAPI  hope to the Government, Legislature, all components of peoples, private, business world for more attention to this historic site can be explored to find out more detail whether the presence Kota Bataguh and the remains of the property estimated there are still many hidden, to be appointed again and made the objects into museum for us the next generation of children and grandchildren can know and find out his ancestors civilization at that time redundancy can be used as tourist attractions and can provide income and revenue should not delay till one incident will be repeated again in 1985 people do a search of treasure in a way to mine large scale that eventually objects that move high-value human hands-hands that are not responsible and just thinking about personal interests alone. According to information there are dozens of kilograms of gold that has been acquired and then sold, it's very unfortunate because we want to preserve the historical value not only the pure gold value only.

In addition, the place is very potential to be a place of tourism, so it needs to polish the cold hand of an artist's tour to these location becomes natural tourism area with panoramic cof Bataguh the past, so it is very interesting to visit both the local tourism, and regional and national.

Posted by Syamsuddin Rudiannoor, S.Sos

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